Polecany sprzedawca
Polecany sprzedawca
Produkt można aktywować tylko na platformie Steam.
To jest Standard produktu.
Aktywacja może być dokonana z dowolnego kraju
About the Game
Acro Storm is a futuristic racing game which takes you into the galaxy's greatest sport, airbike racing! Take your pick of one of these high speed machines, and your choice of character, and prove you've got the mettle to race with the best, facing off against dangerous courses, and dangerous rivals!
The Story So Far
Airbike racing is one of the biggest sports in the galaxy- and for good reason- the thrills, danger, and sheer premise attracts people of all sorts. Of the many organizations out there, the ACRO (Airbike Competetive Racing Organization) is the biggest supporter of the sport, and is also the host of the PAR (Pro Airbike Racing) Grand Prix. There's a great deal that goes into the event, having a great many planets and corporations sponsoring it, in exchange for putting their names on display. The Grand Prix is also notable for its racing field being a mix of both exclusive invitation and yet having open qualifiers for bold racers to claim one of the coveted open spots. It is right after these have concluded that Acro Storm begins, as everyone is preparing for the first race. Countless fears, hopes, dreams, nightmares, and more are all running through their heads as they take the first of those final steps...
![]() CodesMarket Polecany sprzedawca Legenda ![]() CodesMarket Polecany sprzedawca Legenda Wskaźnik sukcesu: 98.13% Łączna liczba opinii: 2 483 Strefa czasowa sprzedawcy: UTC +00:00 Łączna liczba transakcji: 73 130 Pozytywne opinie: 99.72% Negatywne opinie: 0.28% Produkt można aktywować tylko na platformie Steam. To jest Standard produktu. Aktywacja może być dokonana z dowolnego kraju Standard Aktywacja jest możliwa z dowolnego kraju Aktywacja jest możliwa z dowolnego kraju Acro Storm Steam Standard Globalny Natychmiastowa 30 dni 10 1175961 Skopiowane
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firma i sprzedawca nie ponoszą odpowiedzialności.
Łączna kwota: $ 5.07 |