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Acquista Root Film (Nintendo)

Root Film (Nintendo)

  • Release date: 19 Mar 2021
  • Publisher: PQube
  • Developer: KADOKAWA GAMES

Buy cheap Root Film (Nintendo) at Difmark!

Unravel a 10-year-old mystery lost in 35mm film. Root Film is a thrilling adventure game with visual novel elements. Follow Rintaro Yagumo as he is selected to be the director for the rebooted "Shimane Mystery Drama Project", a TV series which was canceled for an unknown reason 10 years ago. His excitement for this amazing opportunity is quickly curbed when a horrible murder interrupts their location scouting process.

Follow him and a cast of unique and memorable characters as they are drawn deeper into a thrilling mystery. Become your own detective as you unravel the truth through investigative gameplay mechanics, adding a new layer onto the visual novel formula.


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