Acquistare FINAL FANTASY V (Steam Account)


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Acquista FINAL FANTASY V (Steam Account)

FINAL FANTASY V (Steam Account)

  • Release date: Nov 10, 2021
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Developer: Square Enix

FINAL FANTASY V (Steam Account)

  • Release date: Nov 10, 2021
  • Publisher: Square Enix
  • Developer: Square Enix

Twenty years after the original FINAL FANTASY V released in Japan, the classic RPG has found its way to PC! Embark on an epic adventure as four heroes are driven together by fate: Bartz and his chocobo companion, Princess Lenna of Castle Tycoon, the mysterious Galuf, and the pirate captain Faris. The crystals that bring peace and prosperity to the world earth, water, fire, and wind have lost their power and are on the verge of destruction.

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