الشراء NIOH 2 (PS4)


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NIOH 2 (PS4) الشراء

NIOH 2 (PS4)

  • Release date: 13 Mar 2020
  • Publisher: Gaming Minds
  • Developer: Kalypso Media

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Similar to its predecessor, Nioh is an action role-playing game. Players can create their own playable character, who was a ykai spirit. Players are equipped with a variety of weapons such as odachi and kusarigama, and earn new skills as they progress in the game.When players defeat a hostile ykai, some of them may drop a "Soul Cores". They allow players to use ykai abilities and transform into a ykai after they are deposited in a shrine.At locations named "Benevolent Graves", players can summon at most two avatars of other players, controlled by artificial intelligence, to assist them in combat. The game also features a three-player cooperative multiplayer mode.

ما العمل التالي؟


بعد شراء المنتج ، انتقل إلى صفحة "الطلبات".

تحقق من طلبك وانقر على "تنزيل" أو "فتح الدردشة" للاتصال بالبائع والحصول على مفتاح المنتج.
بعد استلام المنتج الخاص بك ، لا تنس النقر فوق الزر "تأكيد التسليم".

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