الشراء Dustwind The Last Resort (XB1)


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Dustwind The Last Resort (XB1) الشراء

Dustwind The Last Resort (XB1)

  • Release date: 15 Sep 2021
  • Publisher: Dustwind Studios, Z-Software
  • Developer: Dustwind Studios

Dustwind The Last Resort (XB1)

  • Release date: 15 Sep 2021
  • Publisher: Dustwind Studios, Z-Software
  • Developer: Dustwind Studios

Main features of The Last Resort (XB1)

The Last Resort (XB1) exposes the AI's robot armed forces designated any remaining living things. People won the conflict, yet just scarcely. A couple of overcomers at this end of the world presently battle. It's a chaotic situation here - a merciless chance to be alive!


Challenges you will face

While scavenging for food, you and your little girl are trapped by enemies. They torment you, ransack you, and leave you for dead. Yet, inquisitively, their deadly snare strengthens you. You promise to save your little girl! Be that as it may, you should tread carefully and pick your strategies shrewdly, or you will not have a potential for success!


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