الشراء PuttPutt Goes to the Moon (PC)


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PuttPutt Goes to the Moon (PC) الشراء

PuttPutt Goes to the Moon (PC)

  • Release date: 1 Oct 1993
  • Publisher: Humongous Entertainment
  • Developer: Humongous Entertainment

PuttPutt Goes to the Moon (PC)

  • Release date: 1 Oct 1993
  • Publisher: Humongous Entertainment
  • Developer: Humongous Entertainment

Due to a freak accident at the Fireworks Factory, Putt-Putt is blasted to the moon. There he meets Rover, a lovely little lunar terrain vehicle left behind by the astronauts. Putt-Putt and Rover must work together to rebuild a rocket, and accomplish a few good deeds for the Moon People before they meet the Man in the Moon and are homeward bound. Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon teaches the benefit of cooperation and the lasting value of friendship.

Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon is an adventure game designed especially for children. Bursting with state-of-the-art animation, dazzling sound, hundreds of Click Points, and fully talking characters to thrill you and your child, Putt-Putt's world unfolds around your child's actions - enhancing problem-solving skills and teaching valuable lessons along the way. Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon is like no other game for children or adults!

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