Satın almak Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo)


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Satın almak Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo)

Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo)

  • Release date: 1 Jun 2022
  • Publisher: NIS America, Inc.
  • Developer: Yummy Yummy Tummy, Inc.

Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo)

  • Release date: 1 Jun 2022
  • Publisher: NIS America, Inc.
  • Developer: Yummy Yummy Tummy, Inc.

Buy Cheap Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo) on Difmark


Fallen Legion Revenants (Nintendo) - super action game

Test your strength in a chic gaming novelty. The floating castle has become the only refuge of mankind. And it is here that the most important events unfold. The ghost of Rowena is obsessed with the idea of ​​returning to the world of the living people and raising her son. She is ready for the biggest dangers on the way to her goal. And the charismatic Lucien finds a magical book that contains information about a secret weapon. The two join forces in the fight against the tyrant. Create magic potions, learn alchemical secrets, command a squad, destroy enemies, fight and win! It is an amazing action game that you will remember for a long time.


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