Satın almak Endling Extinction is Forever (PS4)


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Satın almak Endling Extinction is Forever (PS4)

Endling Extinction is Forever (PS4)

  • Release date: 25 Sep 2020
  • Publisher: Gaming Minds
  • Developer: Kalypso Media

Endling Extinction is Forever (PS4)

  • Release date: 25 Sep 2020
  • Publisher: Gaming Minds
  • Developer: Kalypso Media

Buy Cheap Endling Extinction Is Forever (PS4) on Difmark


Post-apocalyptic world - Endling Extinction Is Forever (PS4)

We present you with an exciting action-adventure. You will see the world carelessly and stupidly destroyed by people through the eyes of the last fox on planet Earth. This gaming novelty makes you think about whether humanity is going the right way in its thoughtless use of resources and reckless exploitation of the gifts of the earth. Unfortunately, a frightening picture can become our reality if we do not think about our environment. This idea is broadcast by the game's developers. The special post-apocalyptic atmosphere is  conveyed successfully by excellent graphics, animation, and musical accompaniment. Explore three-dimensional spaces, plan you're every move and look for shelter. Help the fox protect his cubs and survive in a new frightening world that has survived a global catastrophe.


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