Satın almak ASHEN (XB1)


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Satın almak ASHEN (XB1)



Buy cheap ASHEN (XB1) at Difmark!

Buy ASHEN (XB1) – establish the balance of this world. The world is plunged into darkness, and instead of the sun, ashes fly in the air. Find ASHEN (XB1) on sale at Difmark and become a hero of your time.

ASHEN (XB1) storyline

Imagine that the apocalypse happened not in the present or in the distant future, where we are used to seeing it, but in the Middle Ages: the divine Ash Bird died, the world where it lived was plunged into darkness, and strife, famine, and mass disorder quickly turned towns and villages to rubble.

Game peculiarities

Before you begin your perilous journey, you can choose the gender and appearance of your character, which do not affect gameplay

In time you gain the ability to move quickly between open monoliths on the back of a small dragon and the ability to shadow spears

With each new NPC rescued, the camp grows and adds new inhabitants, building houses and going about their daily business

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