Köp Fringe Planet (Steam Account)


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Köp Fringe Planet (Steam Account)

Fringe Planet (Steam Account)

  • Release date: 1 Jul 2024
  • Publisher: Sigil Initiative Ltd
  • Developer: Sigil Initiative Ltd

Fringe Planet (Steam Account)

  • Release date: 1 Jul 2024
  • Publisher: Sigil Initiative Ltd
  • Developer: Sigil Initiative Ltd

Fringe Planet (Steam Account) - the best survival simulator

We present you with a chic survival simulator. The game takes place in a fantasy universe inspired by the works of the best representatives of science fiction - H.P. Lovecraft, Mary Shelley, Edgar Allan Poe, and Lewis Carroll. From the first seconds of the game, you will feel the atmosphere of horror that has gripped everything around. So, six strangers wake up on the cold ground with no idea who they are or how they got there. Use all the power of magic to survive in this dangerous world.

With many stories and secrets, great game variability, the cruel reality of a fantasy world, and dynamic gameplay -  it was appreciated by gamers worldwide. Enjoy the chic atmosphere of a horror movie, wonderful graphics, and an unusual plot. Buy the game on our site. We are sure you will not be disappointed.


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