Köp The Sims 3 Supernatural (PC)


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Köp The Sims 3 Supernatural (PC)

The Sims 3 Supernatural (PC)

  • Release date: 20 Nov 2012
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Developer: The Sims Studio

The Sims 3 Supernatural (PC)

  • Release date: 20 Nov 2012
  • Publisher: Electronic Arts
  • Developer: The Sims Studio

The Sims 3 Supernatural is the answer of the EA Games to the requests of The Sims series fans, who demand to incorporate elements from famous pop culture television and cinema thrillers, especially from Twilight into the game. Players now can impersonate as vampires and another characters with supernatural powers.

Embrace the supernatural in a whole new world full of magic, mystery and mischief. Create characters like witches, vampires, fairies or werewolves right from the beginning. Each supernatural Sim has strange new traits and abilities that add humor and challenges to their lives and the world around them.

Use your wand to cast spells or collect magical ingredients and mix dozens of elixirs to enrich the gameplay experience. You can turn Sims into zombies or give your Sim the "golden touch." Share your enchanted brews with any friends who has The Sims 3. Explore the all-new town of Moonlight Falls, where your Sims special powers are further enhanced by the lunar cycle and experience the thrilling, mysterious creatures luring in the dark.

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