Köp Lantern of Worlds (PC)


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Lantern of Worlds Steam Key GLOBAL

Plattform: Steam
UtgÄva: Arcade
Region: Global engelska
Leverans: Omedelbar
Garanti: 180 dagar
Lager: 1
ID: 2633482
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Lantern of Worlds is a computer game based on European and Arabian mythology and fairytales. It is inspired by older games like the Quest for Glory series, Eye of the Beholder and Lands of Lore.

In Lantern of Worlds you are one of the royal adventurers of king Valdemar of Idunia. You are send on a diplomatic mission to the courts of Sultan Mehmet the Magnificent.
On your way there, however, dark forces plot your undoing, and you are left in the middle of the ocean, in a small lifeboat, with nothing but your wits and your determination to survive.

Luckily, you spot an island in the distance...a desert island, where many adventures await you!

But during during your adventures, you will find that great events have been set in motion, and that you have a grand role to play in the undoing, or salvation, of the kingdom of Idunia, and indeed, the world!

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Köp Lantern of Worlds (PC)

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Pris per enhet:

$ 1.07


$ 1.07
Köp Lantern of Worlds (PC)

Lantern of Worlds (PC)

  • Release date: 5 Oct 2017
  • Publisher: Fasold Games
  • Developer: Fasold Games

Lantern of Worlds (PC)

  • Release date: 5 Oct 2017
  • Publisher: Fasold Games
  • Developer: Fasold Games

In Lantern of Worlds you are one of the royal adventurers of king Valdemar of Idunia. You are send on a diplomatic mission to the courts of Sultan Mehmet the Magnificent.
On your way there, however, dark forces plot your undoing, and you are left in the middle of the ocean, in a small lifeboat, with nothing but your wits and your determination to survive.

Luckily, you spot an island in the distance...a desert island, where many adventures await you!

But during during your adventures, you will find that great events have been set in motion, and that you have a grand role to play in the undoing, or salvation, of the kingdom of Idunia, and indeed, the world!

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