Comprar Yaga (XB1)


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Comprar Yaga (XB1)

Yaga (XB1)

  • Data de lançamento: 12 Nov 2019
  • Editor: Versus Evil
  • Desenvolvedor: Breadcrumbs Interactive

Yaga (XB1)

  • Data de lançamento: 12 Nov 2019
  • Editor: Versus Evil
  • Desenvolvedor: Breadcrumbs Interactive

Buy Cheap Yaga (XB1) at Difmark

Smash, clobber and bash the murderous legends of Slavic mythology in this darkly funny action role-playing game that changes every time you play. Play as Ivan, a one-handed blacksmith with incredibly bad luck, who must take on the impossible tasks given to him by the tzar. All the while the mysterious witch, Baba Yaga, watches over Ivan’s fate.

The world of Yaga is a world steeped in Slavic folklore and ancient Pagan beliefs. Featuring a head-bobbing Romanian hip-hop soundtrack from Subcarpați and striking, hand-drawn 2D artwork. Yaga is an authentic love letter to childhood fables from Romanian indie developer, Breadcrumbs Interactive.


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