Comprar The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan (Steam Account)


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Comprar The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan (Steam Account)

The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan (Steam Account)

  • Data de lançamento: 30 Aug 2019
  • Editor: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
  • Desenvolvedor: Supermassive Games

The Dark Pictures Anthology Man of Medan (Steam Account)

  • Data de lançamento: 30 Aug 2019
  • Editor: BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Europe
  • Desenvolvedor: Supermassive Games


The Dark Pictures Anthology is a series of stand-alone, branching cinematic horror games featuring a multiplayer mode. In Man of Medan, five friends set sail on a holiday diving trip that soon changes into something much more sinister... Embark on a horrific journey aboard a ghost ship. Experience your terrifying story with a friend online or go for safety in numbers with up to five players offline.

XB1 account for The Dark Pictures: Man Of Medan at Difmark

The basis for the plot of Man Of Medan was the legend of the missing Dutch ship Ourang Medan. It is hard to say whether it existed at all. However, a popular version of the myth says that the ship sank in 1947 after the mysterious death of the crew Regularly changing the situation, the pace of the narrative, and the mood of the scenes, the authors tell a story that is difficult to tear themselves away from. At one point, guests of the ill-fated yacht dive with scuba gear, at another they fight off pirates, at the third they run away from the rotten inhabitants of a ghost ship, wandering in a labyrinth of rusty corridors. You constantly wonder: what will happen next?

Supermassive Games, unlike the previous part, Until Dawn, took care of two joint modes. The local one was created for a noisy party: from two to five people behind the same screen control the heroes alternately, passing the gamepad from hand to hand. No less interesting is the second option: network passage along with a friend. Roles are not rigidly fixed - the game shuffles characters between users. All of this becomes available for you with just few clicks. Please visit to buy XB1 account for The Dark Pictures: Man Of Medan.



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