Comprar Glitch Busters Stuck on You (Steam Account)


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Comprar Glitch Busters Stuck on You (Steam Account)

Glitch Busters Stuck on You (Steam Account)

  • Data de lançamento: 23 May 2023
  • Editor: Skybound Games
  • Desenvolvedor: Toylogic

Glitch Busters Stuck on You (Steam Account)

  • Data de lançamento: 23 May 2023
  • Editor: Skybound Games
  • Desenvolvedor: Toylogic

Glitch Busters Stuck on You (Steam Account)

We present you with a chic game in which you have to deal with mysterious viruses that attack AI creatures that inhabit the network. And if you don't intervene in time, viruses will infect every AI in the virtual world! You can play alone or with up to three friends, enjoying the exciting gameplay and sharing ideas. You will see a dangerous volcano, and a busy metropolis, you will have to fight using a great arsenal of weapons. It is an incredible, crazy world of adventure. We are sure you will appreciate the novelty.


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