Comprar Chernobylite (Xbox X)


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Comprar Chernobylite (Xbox X)

Chernobylite (Xbox X)

Buy Cheap Chernobylite (Xbox X) at Difmark!

Chernobylite is a Science Fiction Survival Horror RPG from developers Farm 51. Set in the hyper-realistic, 3D scanned wasteland of Chernobyl’s exclusion zone, you’ll take on the role of Igor, a physicist and ex-employee of the Chernobyl Power Plant, returning to Pripyat to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée, 30 years prior.

Compete with the hostile military presence, other stalkers and supernatural creatures, as well as the harsh and unforgiving environment in your search to uncover the truth.

Get ready for a thrilling adventure of survival, conspiracy, horror, love, and obsession.

Can you survive your fears? 


Where to buy

Purchase the game on Difmark and spend a great time playing your favourite character. Youll get more and more bonuses and discount every time you buy from Difmark. Get the game while it still on sale!

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