Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (Steam Account)

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Buy Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (Steam Account) on Difmark

It is a great game for those who prefer measured, calm, exciting gameplay. The novelty has excellent graphics and will allow you to experience all the joys and hardships of a simple life of a farmer. So, the main character inherits a farm, and now he has to manage it, contributing to its prosperity. Plant crops, breed animals, and establish friendly relations with others. Your goal is to continue the work of your family! By the way, the game will not do without magic.


Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (Steam Account) at a bargain price on our website

Why do we recommend this game to you? You can build an excellent farm and immerse yourself in the work process. Use various tools, clear the land, plant crops, farm, etc. You also have to explore amazing lands, such as gardens, where the seasons are always the same. You can also visit the very center of the volcano and see the island flying in the sky. We are sure you will enjoy the game immensely.


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4.8 / 5
Suksessrate: 96.10%
Totalt antall tilbakemeldinger: 384
Selgerens tidssone: UTC +03:00
Totalt antall handler: 13 014
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Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town (Steam Account) / Region Global / Edition Standard
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180 dager
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