Kopen Wildfire (Xbox X)


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Kopen Wildfire (Xbox X)

Wildfire (Xbox X)

  • Verschijningsdatum: 25. maj 2020
  • Uitgever: Humble Games, Humble Bundle
  • Ontwikkelaar: Sneaky Bastards

Buy cheap Wildfire (Xbox X) at Difmark!

Buy Wildfire (Xbox X) and become the owner of 4 elements. Purchase Wildfire (Xbox X) and play the same game-changing storyline. Download this exciting game from Difmark.

Wildfire (Xbox X) game plot

A meteorite fell on the village where the protagonist lives. The protagonist did not hesitate long to go to the place where it landed and touched it.

While he was away from the settlement, soldiers managed to burn down all the houses and take the peasants captive. They tried to kill our hero, but he discovered his ability to control the elements and escaped.

Gameplay and features

Wildfire has a total of three dozen levels, and gameplay-wise the game is a platformer with stealth and puzzle elements. There are plenty of options for completing the same mission, regardless of whether you choose to be as stealthy as possible or run around in plain sight.

Over time, new fire abilities will unlock, as well as links to other elements. When more than one element is unlocked, the player can choose which branch they want to pump.

Where to find? On Difmark

Purchase this addictive game on Difmark and be guaranteed bonuses and a discount on the following items. Our site is trusted by many customers as the payment system here is completely risk-free. The site also has a variety of games on sale.


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