KopenSpaceEngine (Steam Account)


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Kopen SpaceEngine (Steam Account)

SpaceEngine (Steam Account)

  • Verschijningsdatum: 11 Jun 2019
  • Uitgever: Cosmographic Software
  • Ontwikkelaar: Cosmographic Software

SpaceEngine (Steam Account)

  • Verschijningsdatum: 11 Jun 2019
  • Uitgever: Cosmographic Software
  • Ontwikkelaar: Cosmographic Software

Buy cheap SpaceEngine (Steam Account) on DifmarkĀ 

This amazing 3D game will tell you about the wonders of the vast galaxy. So, welcome to the great world's first science-based interactive planetarium that masterfully models the universe using procedural generation. You will feel a real delight while exploring the world with this amazing game.


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The game features billions of galaxies, mysterious nebulae, distant stars, and planets shown on their real scale. Explore the solar system, orbit a black hole, and travel between stars a million times the speed of light. You can also significantly speed up time and watch the farthest corners of the galaxy unfold before you. The game features all types of celestial objects. Enjoy great graphics and original musical compositions. We are sure that you will like the novelty.Ā 


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