Kopen Dodgeball Academia (PS5)


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Kopen Dodgeball Academia (PS5)

Dodgeball Academia (PS5)

  • Verschijningsdatum: 5 Aug 2021
  • Uitgever: Humble Games
  • Ontwikkelaar: Pocket Trap

Dodgeball Academia (PS5)

  • Verschijningsdatum: 5 Aug 2021
  • Uitgever: Humble Games
  • Ontwikkelaar: Pocket Trap

Buy Cheap Dodgeball Academia (PS5) at Difmark.

In a world where dodgeball is life, you join Otto at the academy and train to become the ultimate dodgeball champion. Across eight episodes, youā€™ll forge friendships and create rivals, all in the name of developing the best dodgeball team.

Level up Otto and develop a dynamic team across a vast and customizable party progression system. All the while, explore the vast Dodgeball Academia and uncover the long hidden truths that reside within the very walls you live, learn, and dominate in.


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