구입 Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)


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Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) 구입

Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4)

  • 발행 날짜: 25 Sep 2020
  • 발행인: Gaming Minds
  • 개발자: Kalypso Media

Batman: Arkham Knight

For many years, Bruce Wayne, with honor and dignity, acted as masked avenger, a dark knight, terrifying both small robbers and large bigwigs of the underworld. Bruce put his life to the fight against crime and the distraught representatives of the criminal circles of Gotham. But where did all these crazy people end up? Arkham's Clinic - this is where Gotham villains ended up sooner or later. The place is peculiar. Its history is shrouded in gloomy secrets and urban legends, in which there is an appalling amount of truth. Here, more often, they finally lose their minds rather than get healed. Truly, "a house of sorrow in mournful earth." The walls of Arkham feed on the frenzy of their inhabitants. With each new tenant, the hospital is gaining strength, and Batman, without knowing it, became the most faithful servant of the clinic.

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What we are offering are legal and genuine Digital Downloads, but sent in the form of an account. After purchase you receive access details (login and password) to an account. After completing the very straight forward activation process you retain the purchased game to your main account and play with it.

As you can see, the games are no different than what you would receive by purchasing in retail store or PlayStation Store, it will be exactly the same as the digital or disk version with all PSN features like trophies, multiplayer etc.


- play on your own profile, after setup you won't have to log into our account ever again

- game directly from PSN store - earn trophies, play online, get updates

- region free, buy and play the game anywhere in the world


Terms of purchase:

-After the purchase, we will send you a step-by-step Setup Guide account, which does not take much time.


-From the moment you receive your account, games must be activated within 24 hours. Our Setup Guide will help you with this.


- We provide 180 days warranty on all orders. This doesn't mean that your game will stop working after 6 months, nearly all games work indefinitely if they were set up correctly. It just means that we'll supply to you a free replacement account if anything goes wrong within the first 180 days


The games will always be in English which is the only language we guarantee to be available.


Other languages are often included, commonly French, Spanish, Italian or German. This is however game and account specific, we are unable to guarantee that any of them will be available in the game you purchase.If you are interested in a specific language, please check with us before buying.