Acheter WE HAPPY FEW (XB1)


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Acheter WE HAPPY FEW (XB1)


  • Date de sorie: 10 Aug 2018
  • Éditeur: Gearbox Publishing
  • DĂ©veloppeur: Compulsion Games


  • Date de sorie: 10 Aug 2018
  • Éditeur: Gearbox Publishing
  • DĂ©veloppeur: Compulsion Games

Buy cheap WE HAPPY FEW (XB1) at Difmark!

WE HAPPY FEW (XB1) - save society from a tyrannical system. Purchase WE HAPPY FEW (XB1) and get caught up in the atmosphere of crazy fake fun. The game is on sale at Difmark.

WE HAPPY FEW (XB1) game history

WE HAPPY FEW (XB1) is the story of an anti-utopian society that takes “happy” pills to avoid thinking about the horrible past and the not-so-pleasant present. Alternative development is that Britain loses the war to Germany and has to send all children under the age of 13 there.

Game plot & characters

 There are three main characters in total, i.e. three separate acts detailing the structure and problems of an anti-utopian society. Each character has his or her tragedy.

â—Ź Arthur suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder

â—Ź Sally secretly raises a baby daughter and sells drugs on the black market.

â—Ź Ollie is a half-crazed war veteran trying to make some sort of distinction between his past and his present

The characters are familiar with each other and interact in a couple of game missions.

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