Acheter The Next Big Thing (Nintendo)


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Acheter The Next Big Thing (Nintendo)

The Next Big Thing (Nintendo)

  • Date de sorie: 21 Apr 2011
  • Éditeur: Focus Home Interactive
  • DĂ©veloppeur: Pendulo Studios

The Next Big Thing (Nintendo)

  • Date de sorie: 21 Apr 2011
  • Éditeur: Focus Home Interactive
  • DĂ©veloppeur: Pendulo Studios

Buy Cheap The Next Big Thing (Nintendo) at Difmark!

The Next BIG Thing is the new, hilarious adventure gem from the creators of Runaway. A great adventure game in high definition, loaded with laughs, tributes, mysteries and wacky puzzles! Thanks to a production worthy of a great animated movie, an awesome soundtrack, delightful dialogue and a great art style, The Next BIG Thing will make you live an unforgettable adventure which brilliantly takes players across the fantastic movie genres of a totally crazy Hollywood.

What if horror movies' monsters were actually played by real monsters? And what if they were now forced to play in movies for kids, romantic comedies or even musicals? And what would happen if, eventually, they were to rebel?


A brief overview of Difmark

You should buy this game on Difmark because it offers the best price. Besides, it’s convenient and has other options on sale, too. This will be a great opportunity to expand your gaming collection and get all your favorites. Feel free to reach out to customer support if you have any questions or confusion. 

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