Acheter Nobody Saves the World (XB1)


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Acheter Nobody Saves the World (XB1)

Nobody Saves the World (XB1)

  • Date de sorie: 18 Jan 2022
  • Éditeur: DrinkBox Studios
  • DĂ©veloppeur: DrinkBox Studios

Buy cheap Nobody Saves the World (XB1) on Difmark

This action RPG will blow your mind. Play, for example, a dragon or a ghost. Your mission is noble - saving the world. Explore the virtual world alone or with a friend. In the game, you will see more than 15 interesting characters, each of which has its characteristics. At your disposal will be more than 80 abilities that can be combined. Complete the most unusual and original game tasks. For example, some inhabitants of the wonderful world are having difficulties, and they may need your help. The game constantly increases its difficulty as your abilities develop so that the gameplay becomes more and more exciting. By the way, you will appreciate the excellent soundtrack created by the famous composer J. Guthrie.


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