Acheter Beholder 3 (PS4)


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Acheter Beholder 3 (PS4)

Beholder 3 (PS4)

  • Date de sorie: 3 Mar 2022
  • Éditeur: Alawar Premium
  • DĂ©veloppeur: Paintbucket Games

Buy cheap Beholder 3 (PS4) on Difmark 

The third game in the super popular series is full of adventure. So, you were saved from prison by a security officer. For this, you have to help your benefactor, keeping her from everyone who interferes with her plans. Build employee loyalty and work your way up the corporate ladder by spying on tenants, employees, and bosses while working two jobs. The dark, mysterious, and delightful game will not leave you indifferent. 


Super game Beholder 3 (PS4) at a great price

Why might this game be of interest to you? This super dark and mysterious novelty tells about a totalitarian state, its harsh laws, and its intimidating people. Surviving here is not easy, but you are so eager to return to everyday life with your family that you are ready for anything. So, you have lost your job in the ministry and want to avoid prison. Scheme against colleagues, spy, and try to achieve your goal against all odds.  


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