Osta LEGO Marvel Collection (PS4)


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Osta LEGO Marvel Collection (PS4)

LEGO Marvel Collection (PS4)

LEGO Marvel Collection (PS4)

Buy cheap LEGO: MARVELS COLLECTION (PS4) at Difmark!

Buy LEGO: MARVELS COLLECTION (PS4) for more adventures. The Marvel characters unite to prevent Loki from destroying the world. Find LEGO: MARVELS COLLECTION (XB1) on sale at Difmark.


In LEGO: MARVELS COLLECTION (PS4) the characters will be legendary Marvel heroes - brought together by Nick Fury to face the threat from the vengeful Loki and Galactus, the Eater of Worlds. The game features access to over a hundred heroes, plenty of unique skills, dynamic combat, epic battles, and puzzles.

Key peculiarities

More than a hundred famous heroes, including Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America Thor, etc

New abilities will be the key to defeating all enemies. The famous Avengers will join forces, performing incredible joint attacks!

The LEGO Marvel's Avengers universe takes on an array of familiar landscapes in the open world

Players will not only experience memorable action sequences from The Avengers: Age of Ultron but also from other Marvel Universe films

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