Osta Vegas Party (PC)


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Osta Vegas Party (PC)

Vegas Party (PC)

  • Release date: 8 Jan 2018
  • Publisher: Funbox Media Ltd
  • Developer: Raylight srl

The game takes the player into the gambling-friendly universe of this over-the-top version of Las Vegas city.

Played as a race, the goal is to reach the end of the Strip before anyone else. Manage your token account in 10 gambling minigames, avoid the dangers like twisters and earthquakes, take advantage of your gaming skills and your good luck, trust no one and forget the meaning of the word "mercy" because it does not apply here!

  • 4 Player Multiplayer.
  • 10 Unique mini games including Roulette, Black Jack, Texas Holdem, Baccarat, and Bingo.
  • 17 incredible casinos.
  • 18 original environments.
  • Extreme humoristic cliches of Sin City.
  • Nonstop action.
  • Fun for the whole family!

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Ostettuasi tuotteen siirry sivulle ”Tilaukset”.

Tarkista tilaus ja napsauta "Tilaustiedot" tai "Ota yhteyttä myyjään" ottaaksesi yhteyttä myyjään saadaksesi tuoteavaimen.
Saatuasi toimutuksen muista kuitata se painamalla Kuittaa saaduksi -painiketta.