Osta Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter (PC)


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Osta Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter (PC)

Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter (PC)

  • Release date: 10 Jun 2016
  • Publisher: Bigben Interactive
  • Developer: Frogwares

Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter (PC)

  • Release date: 10 Jun 2016
  • Publisher: Bigben Interactive
  • Developer: Frogwares

Sherlock Holmes: The Devils Daughter is a fantastic adventure with unique gameplay that blends investigation, action and exploration for an extraordinary experience that will test the limits of your nerves and intelligence.

Track down evil in the darkest corners of London and the human soul while playing as the great detective, as you untangle a web of intrigue leading to the final stunning revelation.

Each of your deductions and actions affects the rest of the story, for better or for worse

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