Osta Life is Strange Before the Storm (Xbox)


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Osta Life is Strange Before the Storm (Xbox)

Life is Strange Before the Storm (Xbox)

  • Release date: 31 Aug 2017
  • Publisher: SQUARE ENIX
  • Developer: Deck Nine

Life is Strange Before the Storm (Xbox)

  • Release date: 31 Aug 2017
  • Publisher: SQUARE ENIX
  • Developer: Deck Nine

Life is Strange: Before the Storm is a new three part; standalone adventure set three years before the first game in the BAFTA award-winning franchise.

You play as sixteen-year old Chloe Price who forms an unlikely friendship with Rachel Amber, a beautiful and popular girl destined for success.

When Rachel learns a secret about her family that threatens to destroy her world, it is her newfound friendship with Chloe that gives her the strength to carry on.

No longer alone the girls must confront each other's demons and together, find a way to overcome them.

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