ComprarMORTAL SHELL (PC Epic Games Accounts)


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comprar MORTAL SHELL (PC Epic Games Accounts)

MORTAL SHELL (PC Epic Games Accounts)

  • Fecha de salida: 18 Aug 2021
  • Distribuidor: Playstack
  • Desarrollador: Cold Symmetry

MORTAL SHELL (PC Epic Games Accounts)

  • Fecha de salida: 18 Aug 2021
  • Distribuidor: Playstack
  • Desarrollador: Cold Symmetry

Buy Cheap MORTAL SHELL (PC Epic Games) on Difmark

Mortal Shell is a deep action-RPG that tests your sanity and resilience in a shattered world. As the remains of humanity wither and rot, zealous foes fester in the ruins. They spare no mercy, with survival demanding superior awareness, precision and instincts. Track down hidden sanctums of devout followers and discover your true purpose.


Possess Lost Warriors.

The dead litter this tattered landscape, but not all are without hope. The lost remains of defeated warriors are yours to discover. Awaken these Mortal Shells, occupy their bodies and significantly open your understanding to diverse masteries of combat.

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