Comprar Heliborne (Nintendo)


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comprar Heliborne (Nintendo)

Heliborne (Nintendo)

  • Fecha de salida: 20 Aug 2020
  • Distribuidor: Klabater
  • Desarrollador: Klabater S.A., JetCat Games Interactive Entertainment, UAB

Heliborne (Nintendo)

  • Fecha de salida: 20 Aug 2020
  • Distribuidor: Klabater
  • Desarrollador: Klabater S.A., JetCat Games Interactive Entertainment, UAB

Buy cheap Heliborne (Nintendo) at Difmark!

Fly some of the best helicopters in the world - from the classic machines of the 1950s to the modern gunships of the 21st century. Play missions with your friends and compete with players from all around the world in various multiplayer modes! You will be able to take part in a dynamic battlefield where you'll support the movement of ground forces that fortify positions and create supply lines.

Heliborne marks the great return of a nearly forgotten genre - helicopter action games! Here you'll get to dive into historical conflicts, explore maps inspired by real-world locations and engage in ruthless air-to-air and air-to-ground combat.


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