Comprar Gorogoa (Nintendo)


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comprar Gorogoa (Nintendo)

Gorogoa (Nintendo)

  • Fecha de salida: 22 May 2018
  • Distribuidor: Annapurna Interactive
  • Desarrollador: Buried Signal, LLC

A puzzle game connected with movement simulator

In Gorogoa you start off as a child who sees a giant creature that looks taken out straight from mythology. This mythical creature encourages your interest and leads you down a path of discovery as you progress through different stages of life. Your main task is relatively simple, you have to collect five fruits found in the book of mythology. The game is a puzzle game, where each stage consists of a few, hand-painted pictures. The character can move through all pictures, however you have to connect them properly with each other in order to create a road. For example you can take a window from one image, then move it to the second one in order to change it, thus making a new image. It is actually hard to describe how does it work. However, you can be assured that the gameplay is very addictive. You're going to test your imagination and logical thinking in order to solve the problem. Gorogoa gameplay is among most addictive gameplays you're going to find. Each stage is an ultimate test of skill but at the same time, a real catharsis for your sight and taste of art. Gorogoa is more than a simple game. Its art that will fondle with your senses. Take a deep breath and get ready to participate in this weird, yet interesting adventure.

Beautiful hand-made images created by Jason Roberts

Jason Roberts is not a popular artist yet. However, after the Gorogoa he should be. It is one of the prettiest games which can be currently found on the Steam server. Each picture created by Jason Roberts tells an interesting story. It is a history about life of a human being. Each important "act" of it. Starting from being a curious child up to the grand finale. After all this is what the life is all about. You have to get through each single step of it. Thus, are you ready to participate in this story? Gorogoa is waiting for you.

The entire story is a hand-made environment

During the whole game, you're not going to leave this interesting world of hand-made pictures. Each one of the picture is going to tell you its own story. Your main aim, besides solving puzzles, is to simply participate in this interesting story. Who knows, maybe you're going to find an allegory to yourself and your own life.

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