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comprar COLT CANYON (XB1)


Buy Cheap COLT CANYON (XB1) at DIfmark

COLT CANYON (XB1) - a colorful adventure in the Wild West. Buy COLT CANYON (XB1) and go to the aid of your friend through a dangerous canyon. But remember that way will not be easy both there and back.

COLT CANYON (XB1) overview

COLT CANYON (XB1) is a two-dimensional pixel-style shooter. You become a cowboy, and you can unlock other interesting characters as you play. Go to the aid of your friend who has fallen into the clutches of dangerous bandits. Equip your basic weapons: dynamite and cannon and get ready for the treasure hike through the canyon, where at every step there are treasures or crowds of bandits waiting for you. 

Game main characteristics

Game in the roguelike sub-genre in which your skills are important

Dynamic combat scenes and a wide variety of characters and weapons catalog

Mode sharing and plenty of upgrades for you and your companion

Boss battles and high difficulty levels

Clever details, easy learnability and different screen expansions

The best selection of games on Difmark

Difmark offers its customers the best purchasing conditions. The site has a reasonable price range and nice bonuses. Get a discount on other products immediately after your first purchase, and in case of problems contact our support service, it is free 24/7.


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