Includes Railroad Tycoon II and the expansion The Second Century
It can take you from New York to South Africa. It can take you from the year 1804 tothe year 2000. It can take you from penniless manual laborer to powerful multi-millionaire.
It can take you from a normal, well-adjusted, well-rounded person to an obsessed,singled-minded, one-tracked train head. This is a real railroad game, not just astrategy game that happens to involve railroads. If you want to hop on a plane, car orship, hop on another game.
This game is about trains for people who love trains. Everything about the game iscentered around an authentic look and feeling of the railways. Period video andpictures are interlaced with the game. The design and interface are true to thecharacter of the fabled late 1800's railroads. A.I. opponents are based on real people.And all maps are real (based on satellite photography from US Geological Serviceand other sources).
![]() Go2Play 已验证卖家 传奇 The product can only be activated for the Steam platform. 这是产品的Standard. 可以在任何国家进行激活 Standard 总金额: $ 1.71 |
![]() CodesMarket 推荐卖家 传奇 ![]() CodesMarket 推荐卖家 传奇 The product can only be activated for the Steam platform. 这是产品的Standard. 激活可以从欧洲进行。 Standard 总金额: $ 1.17 |